Age Requirement: 18+
For level evaluation EMAIL US.
{{class.classname}} Prime In-Person Online Hybrid PP *Class is Full *Class has Started Starts in {{class.startin}} days Starts tomorrow Starts today
- {{class.startdate | date:'EEEE'}}s {{class.starttime | lowercase}} - {{class.endtime | lowercase}} (PT)
- {{class.startdate | date:'EEE'}} & {{class.enddate | date:'EEE'}} {{class.starttime | lowercase}} - {{class.endtime | lowercase}} (PT)
- {{class.startdate | date:'mediumDate'}} - {{class.enddate | date:'mediumDate'}} ({{class.length | lowercase}})
- Instructor: {{class.firstname}}
- Tuition: ${{class.fee}}
- Tuition: ${{class.fee}}+
- Tuition: ${{class.fee}}
Korean Advanced
San Jose Learning Center offers private lessons and group classes designed for students who have completed Levels 1 - 12, Lower Intermediate, and Upper Intermediate. These lessons are taught entirely in the Korean language and focus primarily on advanced grammar points and improving written and spoken fluency. The schedule for the lessons are set according to students' preferences and teacher availability. To determine which level new students should enroll in, please EMAIL US. Instructor: Haejin.